1StepSystem is to be launched on 20th March
Released on = March 19, 2006, 8:56 am
Press Release Author = 1StepSystem
Industry = Management
Press Release Summary = The Internet business has creayed a tidal wave in Direct Market Industry by paying $60,000 every day is to be oficially launched on 20th March
Press Release Body = March 20, 2006 --
Today is the official launch day of 1StepSystem with its new product the \"Ultimate Marketing Tool Kit\" which had been blowing the doors off all MLM\'s in the company\'s pre-launch phase.
Developed by Rod Stinson and Chris Kohel, true pros in this business, their idea was to develop a 100% automated sales system.Chris Koehl created the online marketing systems for Xango, Oasis Wellness Network, Pro-Step, SeaSilver, LifeForce International, Mannatech, My Golden Leads.com, Best Leads.com, Precision MLM.com and Credit Secrets Bible .com to name a few. Rod Stinson was rated as \"One of the Top 20 Network Marketers in the World,\" and has built Multi-Million dollar MLM organizations, with hundreds of thousands of people in his downlines.The users of the system claim that 1StepSystem requires no selling, no calling, no answering questions or closing. Offering a free 30 minute Tele-Seminar explaining the product, really gives the prospect a grasp of how the 1StepSystem works.
According to experts of Dierct Sales Industry,1StepSystem is creating a Tidal Wave , with it\'s top of the line compensation and commission(83.76%) plan.Though this program has been in business for not too long but it is already paying out more than $60,000.00 a day, and is expected to increase ten fold. http://www.7599.1stepsystem.com/index.php?page
Web Site = http://7599.1stepsystem.com
Contact Details = Harry Diwani Surya Vihar gurgaon
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